Hygiene Practices are regarded as a high priority within our OSHC environment.
Good hygiene practices can prevent the spread of infection and disease which has the potential to spread very quickly if not contained and managed correctly. To maintain a high standard of hygiene practices, firstly requires educating staff on policies and procedures and the importance of following these guidelines.
Staff are also educated during their induction before working at any of our YMCA OSHC services. They are educated on the importance of following correct health and safety food handling procedures, food storage procedures, and cleaning procedures of food preparation areas, food storage areas, eating areas, children’s toys and parent entry areas.
Check lists are in place for daily, weekly and monthly upkeep of these areas. These check lists ensure that staff can prevent cross contamination, spread of bacteria and infection. Staff also have a duty of care to educate children on correct hand washing procedures before eating and after toileting usage, usage of tissues and covering of mouths when sneezing, coughing or touching of areas on body that can cause spread of colds and flus, good body hygiene and care, dental health and hygiene.
Education is ongoing within the OSHC environment and is discussed with children through daily reminders and practices and also in greater length through covering these topics as part of a weekly programming theme. This allows more extensive discussions on health and hygiene in a fun learning style for the children. It also allows educators to see what children know and don’t know about health and hygiene, germs and how they can be spread, how we don’t see them and how they can make us sick.
This information on children’s knowledge allows for more education on the topics for all and can keep us safer in flu seasons.
Written by Tracey Martin, YMCA Warrigal Road OSHC.